Puntarelle Salad

When people see Puntarelle for the first time, their general response is “What in the world is that?!”. Not a common item on most Americans grocery list, Puntarelle is a Chicory that originates from Italy and is a common commodity one would see if strolling through a market in Rome! Apart of the dandelion family, the word “puntarelle” translates to “little tips” which is the part of the plant that is traditionally prepared. Not only does Puntarelle have a unique flavor but contains health benefits that help with digestion and general health. During the Fall and Winter months, Puntarelle alla Romana is a very popular salad that Italians enjoy in the city of Rome. This salad is slightly bitter in flavor and is perfect to pair with heavy winter dishes. Make it for your next dinner party or night in. Mangia!

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  • Puntarelle

  • 3 tablespoon of olive oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon of anchovy paste

  • 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar

  • 1/2 garlic clove minced


  1. Remove the outer leaves.

  2. Cut off the shoots from the middle of the puntarelle.

  3. Slice the shoots into long, thin strips.

  4. Place your sliced Puntarelle shoots into a bowl of ice cold water. Soak them for an hour (after 30 minutes you will notice the shoots start to curl).

  5. For the dressing: mix olive oil, anchovies, red wine vinegar & garlic. 

  6. After the Puntarelle shoots are done soaking, drain them and dry with a towel.

  7. Toss with dressing and serve. 


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